Motivation-Ten ways to keep you self motivated.

Motivation is very essential think that one needs to have to complete a task if person is not help motivated then one cannot do anything in life so its just motivation that doesn't let you down in life. The question that may arise in many of our mind may be that Is it possible to stay motivated even we have stumbled so many times that we may be afraid to walk again. The answer is yes you can remain motivated until you have that fire which keeps you motivated. So today i am going to share some of the best ways to be self motivated in life. Those which will help you to keep that spark which is extremely necessary.

Visualizing that you have achieved your goal-

This is the best way to be self motivated as thinking that you have achieved what you want makes you happy and help it achieving even more faster. The vision of being successful is what reminds you that you have a goal to achieve. Try visualizing your success and keep working on it.

Try something new everyday-

Albert Einstein once said "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new". So instead of just working on the same strategy and expecting some changes , try working on some new strategy even you may fail to achieve them. At the end of the day those mistakes will give you new experiences and new way to grab success. Don't forget each day is a new beginning and brings new challenges, so you should not stop and try to do something new everyday.

One should make a to do list-

Completing the task that you want to and then completing them off gives a very satisfactory feeling and encourages you to quickly finish all your tasks and then relax. So, whenever you get some points related to your goal just pen it down and work on those points. Anything that is done with planning works more effectively than doing without it.

Have a nice sleep-

Less sleep can make you irritated and thus less enthusiastic, therefore you should have minimum of 7 to 8 8 of sleep to stay relaxed and cheerful. A healthy mind will always be more focused to the work and can perform more effectively tan a tired irritated mind. Our health should never be compromised for anything.

Have tea or coffee-

When u think you are feeling sad or sleepy then having a cup of tea or coffee energies you. Caffeine itself that helps us cope with stress and puts us in a better mood helping you getting more focused to your work.

Exercise for motivation-

Exercise or dancing makes your mind fresh and then you can plan and do your task even in a much better and efficient way.Find something that you enjoy and make it part of your regular routine. Any form of physical activity can help you unwind and become an important part of your approach to easing stress.

Get out to take some fresh air-

Go for morning or evening walk to refresh your mind and body as nature is the best thing that heals all our pain and sorrows, so spend some time with nature to keep your body and mind feel good and energetic.

Those words which we can't say are felt through music-

Music is the best healer. When you are doing some exhaustive task, listen to your favorite music so that you can re-energize yourself. Trying doing this everyday and you will find a positive changes. Staying focused to your goal is necessary but sometimes it is also necessary to get involved in some nice task to make your mind work with ease.

Each step leads you to your way-

Don't try to complete your goal in one go. Instead move step by step and each step will lead you to your final destination. Get everthing that you need for the task, plan your task and get everything organized first. The more clear and ordered you are the less problems will arise.

Reward yourself-

As you complete your each task, reward yourself with thing that you like the most. This will motivate you to do more of your targets from your checklist. Use this piece of science to your advantage by giving yourself small rewards along the way to a bigger goal. Your brain latches on to the physical evidence that tasks are worth it, and increases your chances at making the routine a habit. These are some ways that will keep you motivated. You can also watch videos, listen to some motivational speakers who can guide you towards your goal. Sometimes little things work too great for achieving some bigger goals.


  1. A general impression of negativity is bad in our mind. Moreover, the frequency strike of negative thoughts and feelings is way beyond.

    Because grass on other side looks greener; we end up craving positivity without realizing what feeling negative can offer.

    Feeling Negative


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